Turn off your TV!!

That's right turn off your TV. If you want to get started in making good decisions and being wise the first step is to stop watching TV!! It is nothing more than a time sucker. Companies have spent literally millions of dollars on how to sell you products. Mostly products you don't need. In turn, you become a consumer - spending all your hard earned money on items you really don't need.

To put this in perspective think about a couple at the end of their life. They probably have a 3-4 bedroom house and no one is living in the unused bedrooms. The rooms are heated/cooled and most of the time they are nothing but storage space full of unused items they purchased throughout their lives. What's the point?? Do you really need all that garbage anyhow?

Nonetheless, I hear countless people all the time complaining of the the cost of their cable or satellite bill. And then they complain how they have all these channels but nothing on them is worth watching except a select few. What is the solution??

How about getting an antenna? Isn't that kind of "outdated" you may ask? Perhaps, but you would be surprised how far they have come. Many of the new antennas can bring you upwards to 20 to more channels. And it is all free and they come in HD quality. The best part is that you pay no cable or satellite bill. Nonetheless, you will want to minimize your TV watching. This will free your time up to do more important things like educating and informing yourself on projects you may be working on or things you should be doing but keep putting off.

The antenna that I use is called the Leaf and it is incredible. I get 15 channels where I live and they are more than enough. Visit the link below at Amazon.com to check it out!!


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